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City Bridge Foundation

We provide grants and use our resources to help communities foster connections, become more resilient and build a more equal London.


Total reviews: 10

What was the overall relationship with the funder?
How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?
How would you rate this funder's accessibility?
How many hours did your grant application take?

Median 6.5 hours

Top descriptors for this funder
57 Responsive
53 Friendly
51 Positive leader in the field
49 Builds relationships
47 Understands nonprofits and issues
45 Gives more than money

Latest Reviews

    Sep 10, 2024

    applied in 2024

    Very approachable, communicative and understanding.


    Culturally sensitive Friendly Likes site visits Openminded Responsive


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Grant currently pending

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Application form was thorough but not overwhelming - they got the full picture without lots of tedious work. Thank you!

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jul 24, 2024

    Other - applied in 2024

    As always - really important to read the guidance start to finish and make sure your work or project aligns. But in addition, City Bridge Trust were offering 15 min consultations with a Grant Manager and I would highly recommend this as it gave me extra insight into the priorities for the fund and allowed me to ask some specific questions relating to our programme.


    Positive leader in the field Gives more than money Culturally sensitive Insightful Friendly Builds relationships Likes site visits Understands nonprofits and issues Responsive


    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Grant currently pending

    If you were funded tell us the outcome


    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    Part of the reason for the length shown was that a visit to see us and talk to us at second stage was part of the process. This is something we really welcomed and not many funders do; the Grant Manager was very open friendly and supportive and showed real interest and understanding of our work, and she brought along a lived experience expert who really also got it. It also meant that we could include our community members in the process (we brought them to the meeting.) So although this added staff time to the process it felt really valuable for us in helping to tell our story and demonstrate the impact of our work.

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Communication is excellent - very responsive and clear. They are very approachable and it feels like a very fair process so far although we don't yet know the outcome.

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    The word limits in the first stage application made it tough to really answer the questions asked in the depth I wanted to. It would be nice not to have to use a bespoke funding template and use the myriad of financial budgets and info we already have, especially as there are so many follow up financial questions.

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jul 4, 2024

    applied in 2024

    City Bridge Foundation announced in June 2024 that it would closing several funding schemes as part of an upcoming strategic review. They are closing all the income streams our organisation is eligible for (target group, grant size). The sample application form available on the website (application guidance documents) was both locked and outdated, so it was difficult for the team to track changes and provide feedback to the bid writer. Also, the questions in the offline form did not match the online application form, so we had to chase further information. Some of the questions are a bit repetitive, so it is difficult to understand what City Bridge Foundation seeks to see in the form. We look forward to the clarification meeting. Please note that on previous occasions, the clarification meeting exceeded 1h30 and we had to write a detailed application, only to find out it had been turned down. No feedback was provided, and City Bridge Foundation does not provide written feedback applicants can learn from for future funding applications. In summary, we would say City Bridge Foundation funds vital work and we will continue to value their commitment to a city for all Londoners, but the funding is highly competitive, they as a funder are not really accessible (work with independent assessors), and they don't provide feedback (unsuccessful) applicants can learn from.

    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Applied and not funded

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    The fact that there is no direct phone line available makes it difficult to get hold of funding application assessors and enquire about eligibility or relevance prior to submitting a fully fledged application. Applicants would benefit from an updated FAQs section, including application success rate, most recent grantees (e.g., as a separate tab or interactive map - see Propel website for reference).

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    We believe that City Bridge Foundation funds vital work and positively contributes to a better London for all Londoners thanks to its (previously) wide range of funding schemes, working at individual and community level across all boroughs and age groups.

    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    Until recently (03 July 2024) offer a wide range of funding schemes for organisations of different sizes and in different locations, which in turn enables City Bridge Foundation to serve most of Londoners in need.

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    Update the sample application forms and reduce the number of times website visitors have to click or scroll down a page to reach valuable application guidelines and previous/existing grantee information.

    Is there anything else that's be useful for others to know to understand this funder?

    It would be useful to see, in a more engaging way, how City Bridge Foundation splits its budget across the different funding schemes.

    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jul 2, 2024

    applied in 2024

    I applied for the Support and Services for Older People programme which they are soon discontinuing. The application form was etremely long and - in my opinion - unnecessary. It is clearly an application form for a large organisation with a fundraising team in-house, which somehow perpetuates inequality because small organisations or community groups with less resources may be put off to deal with such an application.

    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Grant currently pending

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.

    Jun 26, 2024

    Funded for lesser amount - applied in 2024

    Don't believe what they say on their website about valuing grassroots groups and being an open funder - they've just given us two week's notice that they're shutting the youth funding we were going to ask for, and we've got no time to submit an application now because we can't afford a fundraiser (so I guess all their money will just go to the big organisations again, not small groups like us) - if the way you keep your rejection rate low is by just shutting the door in our face then maybe don't be so proud about it?

    What is your relationship with the funder for this experience?

    Current or former grantee

    If you were funded tell us the outcome

    Funded for lesser amount

    What year was this experience?


    How would you rate this funder's accessibility?


    Just shutting with almost no notice isn't very accessible

    How successfully do you think this funder is accomplishing its goals as a funder?


    Not giving funding to groups like us because we can't afford a consultant to write an application in such a short time before they close means everything they say about wanting to fund smaller organisations doesn't really make sense to me

    Tell us one thing that this funder does really well

    They used to be so good - understanding the youth sector and talking to us - but the people have changed now and it doesn't feel the same

    If you had one piece of advice to give to this funder (about grantmaking or anything else), what would it be?

    Don't shut your doors in our face

    How was your relationship overall with the funder?


    If you believe the contents of this review are inappropriate please contact us via email.