Home Grant Advisor UK

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Are you a funder? You're in the right place. If you are a charity looking to share your experiences working with a funder, please write your review here.

Already registered with GrantAdvisor UK?

If you are a funder who is already registered with GrantAdvisor UK you can log in here.

New to GrantAdvisor UK? If you a funder considering signing up to GrantAdvisor UK you can register for free by completing a short form. We will then be in touch to support you to gather reviews from grantseekers. If you're a funder you get:

  • Ratings of what you are good at (similar to peer reviews for skills on LinkedIn)
  • Ratings for your accessibility
  • Granular feedback on what you are doing well
  • Advice on what you could do better
  • Space to respond to reviews

This is the type of data that can help you become more responsive and accessible to the organisations and causes you want to fund.

Also, if you encourage your grantees and applicants to leave a review then it shows everyone your commitment to openness and fairness.

You can read more useful information on our FAQ page or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible, thank you.